
Eclipse Development Environment on Ubuntu 10.04


This is to create the Eclipse Development Environment on Ubuntu 10.04 mainly for:

  • C/C++ development (local and cross platform)
  • Shell programming
  • Python development
  • Work with Bazaar Version Control
Installation of Eclipse CDT

Ubuntu 10.04 software center have Eclipse platform package, but doesn't have CDT package. So better to install the CDT package directly.

  1. Download the Eclipse CDT package from eclipse website: www.eclipse.org.
  2. Unzip it to '/usr/share'. Now it can be started from running '/usr/local/eclipse/eclipse'.
  3. Create an Application Launcher on the Gnome top panel pointing to the executable '/usr/local/eclipse/eclipse'.

Install Bazaar Plugin

  1. From Eclipse, open the dialog from 'Help' -> 'Install New Software'.
  2. Click button 'Add' to add the Bazaar plugin update site: http://verterok.com.ar/bzr-eclipse/update-site/
  3. Select the package and go ahead to install it.
Note this is the normal process to install Eclipse plugins. The key is to know the update site URL.

With the Bazaar plugin installed, you can create Eclipse project by checking out a new branch or using an existing branch checkout.

Install ShellEd Plugin

ShellEd plugin allows editing Shell Script. It requires Linux Tools Man Page Viewer plugin.

  1. Follow the normal plugin installation process, and the Linux Tools update site URL is: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/linuxtools/update.
  2. ShellEd doesn't have an update site URL, so download the package from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/shelled/
  3. Unzip it in the local directory, for example: /home/one/Downloads/ShellEd.
  4. From Eclipse, open the dialog from 'Help' -> 'Install New Software'.
  5. Click button 'Add' to add the ShellEd update site as 'Local'. Point it to the folder containing the unzipped package: '/home/one/Downloads/ShellEd'.
  6. Select the package and go ahead to install it.
Install PyDev Plugin

PyDev plugin's update site URL is: http://pydev.org/updates